Belt Poly V 3PJ605 for for planer and thicknesser
Belt poly-V 3PJ605 for some planer and thicknesser
The brand Scheppach is very popular in the field of DIY and carpentry.
If you are the owner of this model of woodworking machines you can still repair and maintain it thanks to our evolutionary spare parts range. The planer jointer Scheppach HMS1070 has existed for many years and this famous woodworking machine has been declined under the brand Kity DRA260. Scheppach is also the Woodstar brand for DIY stores, this machine is called Woodstar PT105. Attention, according to the year of manufacture, certain parts like the belts and the irons of plane are not the same, be vigilent!
Belt poly-V 3PJ605 for some planer and thicknesser
Belt Poly V 5PJ605 for some planer and thicknesser
Belt poly-V 584J5 for thicknesser
Chip ejection housing for planer and thicknesser Scheppach HMS1070 with serial number starting with 0115 and Zipper ZI-HB254
Output table for thicknesser Scheppach and zipper
Cutter block for planer thicknesser Scheppach serie 0115, Zipper HB254
Pulley 137x10 mm with pinion reference 74 for thicknesser Scheppach HMS1070 serie 0115, Zipper ZI-HB254
Blade clamp set for Planer thicknesser Scheppach HMS1070 série 0115 and Zipper ZI-HB254