Planer knive 317 mm for Triton TPT125 (set of 2)
Set of 2 planer knives 317 mm for Planer and thicknesser Triton TPT125
Reversible jointer blades have 2 sharp sides and are not re-grindable. Equipped with light, they are positioned directly on the iron holders of the machine.
These jointer blades do not require special adjustment by hand or with a magnetic positioner.
On the other hand, one can reproach them for having a shorter life compared to the irreversible irons because they are less thick and less high.
It is therefore necessary to check if the planer jointer has these famous iron carriers because all the models, recent generally, are not equipped and machines can also propose the 2 solutions: regrindable or reversible irons.
Among the most popular jointers compatible with these irons, we find the Kity Bestcombi 260, the Kity 2636 and Kity 2638, the Kity 1647 and also the Scheppach Plana or the Triton TPT125!
Set of 2 planer knives 317 mm for Planer and thicknesser Triton TPT125
Reversible thicknesser iron with 3 lights 260 x 18.5 x 1.0 mm in HSS (Bestcombi 260, 5.01, Lurem RD26, Kity 637, RAD260, Metabo)
Set of 2 planer knives 210 mm for Planer and thicknesser Scheppach HMS850 serie n° 0109
Triton TSPL 152 planer blade (set of 2)
Set of 3 special 270 mm irons for the Belmash SDMR2500
Set of 2 planer knives for planer and thicknesser Scheppach HMS1070, model with reference 4901204000 and Leman Lodra260
Planer knive for Scheppach HMS650 (set of 2)