Router bits
Router cutters are dedicated to ripper work which is not an easy operation in the field of carpentry!
Quality router bits!
Our router bits have an anti-kickback profile in compliance with quality standards. They are covered with teflon allowing the chips not to stick. The beautiful thickness of the 2 profiled carbide brazed pads on the body offers a longer life.
For 6 to 12.7 mm shank routers, we offer a wide range of router bits for all types of work: grooving, tongue or groove, routing, molding, chamfering, quarter rounds, holidays, dovetails, curls and decorative moldings, ...
We offer router cutters presented in a box.
They are good quality but also economical for the handyman wanting to get a nice range at a reduced price. At the unit for the most demanding, our professional carbide micrograin router bits will bring a more precise and clean job.
To be used in compliance with the safety standards in force.

Router bit sets
Router bits shank 6 mm
Router bits shank 8 mm
Router bits shank 12 mm and 12.7 mm
Straight router bit
Flush trim router bits
Lock miter and finger joint router bits
Chamfer router bits
Roundover router bits
Cove router bits
Round nose router bits
Classical and Roman ogee router bits
Raised panel router bits
Dovetail router bits
90°-V-Grooving router bits
Accessories for router bits
Active filters
Sleeve to accommodate 8/12 mm
To install bits in tail of 8 mm on dfonceuses in 12 mm tail.
Dovetail jig Holzmann ZFS600
This dovetail jig has a maximum capacity of 600mm.
Holzmann OFS50 router bits with 8 mm shank - Box of 50 profiles
Holzmann OFS50 router bits with 8 mm shank - Box of 50 profiles