CMT Chuck for router bits on spindle moulder thread M14
Here is a chuck that allows you to easily adapt your router bits on your spindle moulder Ø 30 mm M14
Here is a chuck that allows you to easily adapt your router bits on your spindle moulder Ø 30 mm M14
Here is a chuck that allows you to easily adapt your router bits on your spindle moulder M16
Collet ER20 in 8 mm for CMT Chuck serie 796
Collet ER20 in 12 mm for CMT Chuck serie 796
Pliers of tightening 6 mm for spindle moulder Triton
Pliers of tightening 8 mm for spindle moulder Triton
Pliers of tightening 12 mm for spindle moulder Triton
Pliers of tightening 12.7 mm for spindle moulder Triton
To install bits in tail of 6 mm on dfonceuses in tail of 8 mm.
To install bits in tail of 6.35 mm on dfonceuses in tail of 8 mm.
To install bits in tail of 8 mm on dfonceuses in 12 mm tail.
The "Multicurve" or "Multichantournage" allows you to quickly and very cleanly carry out all your fretwork jigs with a router or router and that with extreme ease!
Piher foam safety pusher ref 63101 BOW FP2 DUO
Piher foam safety pusher ref 63100 BOW FP1 PRO
This dovetail jig has a maximum capacity of 600mm.