Bandsaw blade 1712 mm width 6 mm Thickness 0.5 mm
Bandsaw blade length 1712 mm for different machines as Ryobi RBS3080, Metabo BS260, Leman LOSRU250 and Fartools RBS250.
The brand Fartools is well known in the field of carpentry and DIY because it is distributed in DIY superstores.
If you are the owner of a machine of this brand like Fartools, you may have the Fartools RBS205 and RBS205B, the Fartools RBS250B, the Fartools JDD200A or WDS190 here are the band saw blades length 1400 mm, 1425 mm, 1790 mm and 2240 mm which will allow you to cut the wood with your machine.
Whether for flow or fretwork, choose the one that fits your work. Made of hardened stainless steel or regrindable French steel, ready to use and welded to measure, you will appreciate our excellent French quality, made in a good steel they offer a good quality of cut and a better longevity than the blades of origin Asian!
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Bandsaw blade length 1712 mm for different machines as Ryobi RBS3080, Metabo BS260, Leman LOSRU250 and Fartools RBS250.
Bandsaw blade length 2240 mm for different machines as Scheppach HBS300, Holzmann HBS300J, Fartools, Ryobi RBS5518, Metabo BAS 317...
Bandsaw blade in carbon steel C75 length 1425 mm for different machines as MEJIX,DELTA, REXON, FOX F28180, Fartools...
Bandsaw blade in carbon steel C75 length 1425 mm for different machines as MEJIX,DELTA, REXON, FOX F28180, Fartools...
Bandsaw blade in carbon steel C75 length 1425 mm for different machines as MEJIX,DELTA, REXON, FOX F28180, Fartools...
Bandsaw blade in carbon steel C75 length 1400 mm for different machines as Scheppach HBS20, Kity SAR200 et Fartools RBS205B, Parkside PBS350A1...
Bandsaw blade in carbon steel C75 length 1400 mm for different machines as Scheppach HBS20, Kity SAR200 et Fartools RBS205B, Parkside PBS350A1...
Bandsaw blade length 1712 mm for different machines as Ryobi RBS3080, Metabo BS260, Leman LOSRU250 and Fartools RBS250.
Bandsaw blade length 1712 mm for different machines as Ryobi RBS3080, Metabo BS260, Leman LOSRU250 and Fartools RBS250.
Bandsaw blade length 1790 mm for different machines as Fox F28-186A and Fartools RBS250B
Bandsaw blade length 1790 mm for different machines as Fox F28-186A and Fartools RBS250B
Bandsaw blade length 2240 mm for different machines as Scheppach HBS300, Holzmann HBS300J, Fartools, Ryobi RBS5518, Metabo BAS 317...
Bandsaw blade length 2240 mm for different machines as Scheppach HBS300, Holzmann HBS300J, Fartools, Ryobi RBS5518, Metabo BAS 317...
Bandsaw blade length 2240 mm for different machines as Scheppach HBS300, Holzmann HBS300J, Fartools, Ryobi RBS5518, Metabo BAS 317...