Belts for woodmachines Kity & Scheppach
Here are the straps for Kity and Scheppach woodworking machines, and do not get rid of your woodworking machine because of a simple breakdown!
Many belts for Kity Scheppach woodworking machines
We offer a wide range of belts for Kity and Scheppach machines, which will allow you to maintain or repair them and thus ensure a longer life.
Our many Kity Scheppach spare parts available are not necessarily on our website. If this is the case, do not hesitate to send us your request by e-mail, we will try to find the spare part you need as soon as possible.

Flat belt machine Kity Scheppach
Poly-V Belt machines Kity Scheppach
V-belt machine Kity Scheppach
Toothed belt machines Kity Scheppach
Belts for old machines KITY
Belt for old Kity Direct Drive and CK26
Belt for old Kity Bestcombi 5023 and Kity K5
Belt for spindle moulder Kity 429, Junior 5 and Molda 2.0
Belt saw Kity 419, Junior 4 and Precisa 2.0
Belt combined spindler moulder-saw Kity 1608 and 609
Belt planer thicknesser Kity 1637 or 637 and 1647
Belt Kity 638 and 639
Belt Kity 2636 and Scheppach Plana 3.0 c
Belt Scheppach 2635, HMS2600CI, Plana 3.0
Belt Scheppach 0636, 1636 and HMS260, HMS3200
Belt Kity PT8500 and Woodstar PT85
Belts Scheppach HMS850, HMS2000, HT850
Belt for Kity DRA260 and Woodstar PT105
Belt Scheppach HMS1070
Belt for bandsaw Scheppach HBS300
Belt bandsaw Kity 673, Basato 3h, Basa 3.0 v
Belt bandsaw Kity 613, Scheppach Basa 3.0
Belt wood lathe Kity TAB660, Scheppach DM460T
Belt wood lathe Scheppach DMS900 and DMS1100
Belt circular saw on a table Woodstar ST10L
Belt for sanders Kity PBD900, Scheppach BTS900X, BTS800
Belt for oscillating sander Scheppach OSM100
Belt for scroll saw Scheppach Décoflex, Kity SAC405F
Belt for thermal log saw Scheppach HS700GE
Belt for tile-cutter Scheppach FS850
Belt Kity 2638, Plana 4.0 c
Flat belt 1000x15 mm for planer Kity 638 and 639
Flat belt for thicknesser Kity 638 and 639
Flat belt 1060x20 mm for old Kity machine (626-CK26-635-636-652)
Flat belt 1060x20 mm for old Kity machine (626-CK26-635-636-652)
Flat belt 1120x20 mm for old Kity machine (612-617-661-616-CK26-Direct Drive)
Flat belt 1120x20 mm for old Kity machine (612-617-661-616-CK26-Direct Drive)
Flat belt 1180x20 mm for the spindle moulder Kity 627
Flat belt 1180x20 mm for old machine Kity like spindle moulder Kity 627
Flat belt 340x8 mm for thicknesser Scheppach 0636/1636 and HMS260/HMS3200
Flat belt 340x8 mm for old planer and thicknesser Scheppach
Flat belt 430x15 mm for the thicknessers Woodster 1 and Kity Junior 1
Flat belt 430x15 mm for old thicknessers Woodster 1 and Kity Junior 1
Flat belt 530x6 mm for the thicknesser on Kity Bestcombi 5023 and Kity K5
Flat belt 530x6 mm for planer Kity Bestcombi 5023 and Kity K5
Flat belt 575x15 mm for the saw on Woodster 1 and Kity Junior 1
Flat belt 575x15 mm for old saw Woodster 1 and Kity Junior 1
Flat belt 630x8 mm for planer feed Bestcombi 2000, Bestcombi 3.0, Kity 439 and Plana 2.0c (before 2011/2013)
Flat belt 630x8 mm for planer drive on various Kity and Scheppach wood combined machines and planers
Flat belt 640x8 mm for advance planing Bestcombi 2000 (2011)
640x8 mm flat belt for training the planer on Bestcombi 2000 and Bestcombi 3.0 manufactured in 2011.
Flat belt 660x15 mm for the spindle moulder on mini combined Kity K6-154, Scheppach Combi 6 and Woodstar C06
Flat belt for the spindle moulder of the mini combined wood machines
Flat belt 660x8 mm for planer feed Scheppach Plana 2.0c, Bestcombi 3.0 and Kity 439 and Bestcombi 2000
Flat belt 660x8 mm for the planer on some Bestcombi 2000 and 439 sold from 2011/2013
Flat belt 670x15 mm for the thicknesser on Kity Direct Drive
Flat belt 670x15 mm for old thicknesser Kity Direct Drive
Flat belt 705x9 mm for the thicknesser Scheppach Plana 3.0 and Bestcombi 5.0
Flat belt 705x9 mm for Planer and thicknesser Scheppach Plana 3.0c, Scheppach Bestcombi 5.0
Flat belt 710x15 mm for the thicknesser on Kity 535
Flat belt 710 x 15 mm thicknesser Kity 535
Flat belt 710x6 mm for planer Kity Bestcombi 260 et 5.0-Kity 439-635-636-637-CK26-Direct Drive-Plana 2.0c
Flat belt 710x6 mm for the planer of combined Kity Bestcombi 260 and Scheppach Bestcombi 5.0
Flat belt 810x15 mm for the planer Kity 635
Flat belt 810x15 mm for planer Kity 635, Kity Bestcombi 5023 and Kity K5
Flat belt 810x20 mm for bandsaw Kity 612 (individual motor)
Flat belt 810x20 mm for the old band saw Kity 612 with individual motor
Flat belt for Scheppach rotating sieve RS350 and sieve RS400
Flat belt for rotary sieve Scheppach RS400
belt poly-v 406J4 for saw Kity K6-154, Scheppach Combi 6 and Woodster C06
Belt 406J4 for the circular saw of mini wood combined machines
Belt poly-V 483J3 for the saw of the combined mini Kity K6-154, Scheppach Combi 6 and Woodstar C06
belt poly-V 483J3 for saw mini wood combined machines
Belt poly-V 584J3 for the planer of the mini combined Kity K6-154, Scheppach Combi 6 and Woodster C06
Belt for the planer of the mini wood combined machines
Belt poly-V 660J4 for the thicknesser Kity K6-154, Scheppach Combi 6 and Woodstar C06
Belt 660J4 for the thicknesser of the mini wood combined machines
belt POLY V 1016J6 for thicknesser Bestcombi 260 and 5.0, Lurem C2000, C2100, C2600
Belt poly-V 1016J6 for thicknesser of wood combi Bestcombi and Kity 1647
belt POLY V 1040J5 for thicknesser Scheppach HMS2600CI and Kity 2635
belt POLY V 1040J5 for thicknesser Scheppach HMS2600CI and Kity 2635
belt POLY V 1168J8 for thicknesser Kity 638 and 639
belt POLY V 1168J8 for thicknesser Kity 638 and 639
Belt POLY V 584J5 for thicknesser 204 mm and 254 mm
Belt poly-V 584J5 for thicknesser
Belt POLY V 356J8 for saw Kity 1608 and 609
belt poly-V 356J8 for old circular saw Kity 1608 and 609
Belt Poly V 3PJ605 for for planer and thicknesser
Belt poly-V 3PJ605 for some planer and thicknesser
Belt POLY V 406J6 saw Woodstar ST10L²
Belt Poly V 406J6 circular saw Woodstar ST10L²
Belt POLY V 457J8 for saw Kity 1609 and 608
belt poly-v 457J8 for old circular saw Kity 1609 and 608
Belt POLY V 559J5 for bandsaw Kity 613 and Basa 3.0
Belt 559J5 for band saw Kity 613 and Scheppach Basa 3.0
Belt POLY V 559J10 for radial miter saw Scheppach HM120L
Belt POLY V 559J10 for radial miter saw Scheppach HM120L
Belt Poly V 5PJ605 for for planer and thicknesser
Belt Poly V 5PJ605 for some planer and thicknesser
Belt POLY V 711J8 for spindle moulder Kity 1609, 608-629
Belt for spindle moulder Kity 1609, 608-629
Belt POLY V 762J5 for thicknesser Bestcombi 2000 et 3.0, Kity 439, Scheppach Plana 2.0c, Bernardo PT200ED
Belt poly-V 762J5 for thicknesser from Kity Bestcombi 2000 and Scheppach Bestcombi 3.0
Belt POLY V 914J6 for thicknesser Kity 637 and 1637, Lurem C2000, C2100, C2600
Belt poly-V 914J6 for thicknesser Kity 637 and Kity 1637
Trapezoidal belt for thicknesser Scheppach Plana 3.0 and Scheppach HMS2600CI
Trapezoidal belt for thicknesser Scheppach Plana 3.0 and Scheppach HMS2600CI
Trapezoidal belt 560x10 mm for wood lathe Scheppach DMS900
Trapezoidal belt 560x10 mm for wood lathe Scheppach DMS900
Trapezoidal belt for wood lathe Scheppach DMS1100
Trapezoidal belt for wood lathe Scheppach DMS1100
Trapezoidal belt for wood lathe Kity Scheppach DMV200
Trapezoidal belt for wood lathe Kity Scheppach DMV200
Trapezoidal belt for circular saw Kity 619
Trapezoidal belt for old circular saw Kity 619
Trapezoidal belt for drill press Scheppach DP16SL and Woodster TD16SL
Trapezoidal belt for column drill Scheppach DP16SL and Woodster TD16SL
Trapezoidal belt reference KCRHS700GE for thermal log saw Scheppach HS700GE
Trapezoidal belt reference KCRHS700GE for thermal log saw Scheppach
Toothed belt XPZ1012 for thicknesser Kity 638 and Kity 639
Toothed belt XPZ1012 for thicknesser Kity 638 and Kity 639
Toothed belt 750 x 13 mm for Kity 673 and Basato 3 H, Basa 3.0V bandsaws
Toothed belt for differents Kity and Scheppach bandsaws
Toothed belt for wood lathe Kity TAB664
Toothed belt for wood lathe Kity TAB664
belt Poly V 3PJ640 for wood lathe Kity TAB660
Belt for mini wood lathe Kity TAB660
Toothed belt 150XL for belt and disc sanding machines
Toothed belt for belt and disc sanding machines Kity Scheppach
Belt toothed 410x10 mm for oscillating cylinder sander
Belt widht 10 mm for oscillating cylinder sanders
Belt toothed 410x6 mm for oscillating cylinder sander
Belt widht 6 mm for oscillating cylinder sanders
Belt for electric tile cutter Scheppach FS850
Toothed belt for electric tile cutter Scheppach FS850
Belt toothed for scroll saw Kity SAC405F and Scheppach Decoflex
Belt for scroll saw Kity SAC405F and Scheppach Decoflex
630 mm belt for band saws Scheppach HBS300 and HBS300XWB (before June 2015)
630 mm notched belt for Scheppach HBS300 and HBS300XWB band saws manufactured before June 2015
610 mm belt for Scheppach HBS300 and HBS300XWB band saws (after June 2015)
610 mm notched belt for Scheppach HBS300 and Scheppach HBS300XWB band saw manufactured from July 2015
Belt for table miter saw Kity MST254 and Scheppach HM100T
Belt for table miter saw Kity MST254 and Scheppach HM100T
Belt POLY V 914J5 for thicknesser Kity 1637
Belt poly-V 914J5 for thicknesser Kity 1637
POLY V belt 1016J5 for the thicknesser of the Bestcombi 260
POLY V belt 1016J5 for the thicknesser of the Bestcombi 260 made in Bischwiller
Trapezoidal belt for Scheppach rotating sieve RS350 and RS400
Trapezoidal belt for rotary sieve Scheppach RS350 and RS400
Trapezoidal belt for drill press Scheppach Scheppach RAB T16x and RAB S16x
Trapezoidal belt for column drill Scheppach RAB T16
Belt Poly V 5PJ610 for thicknesser Scheppach HMS860
Belt Poly V 5PJ610 for thicknesser Scheppach HMS860
Poly V belt 3PJ610 for planer Scheppach HMS860 and HMS1080
Poly V belt 3PJ610 for planer Scheppach HMS860 and HMS1080
Belt reference 5904411023 for Scheppach WCP 4800 chipper shredder
Belt reference 5904411023 for Scheppach WCP 4800 chipper shredder
Belt 336J7 for table miter saw Kity MST254 and Scheppach HM100T
Belt for table miter saw Kity MST254 and Scheppach HM100T
Belt POLY V 965J5 for thicknesser Kity 1637
Belt poly-V 965 for thicknesser Kity 1637
Toothed belt 155J4 for belt and disc sanding machines
Toothed belt for belt and disc sanding machines Kity Scheppach
Flat belt 460x12x1.5 mm for Scheppach rotating sieve RS350 and sieve RS400
Flat belt 460x12x1.5 mm from Scheppach reference 05012119 for Scheppach RS400 and Scheppach RS350 rotary sieve