Easy Oil is a traditional hard oil, creamy, simple and pleasant to use.
Application in 2 coats WITHOUT WIPING. It penetrates deep into wooden surfaces, providing long-lasting protection and excellent chemical and mechanical resistance.
General description of hard oil without wiping Blanchon Easy Oil:
Highlights the grain and the natural beauty of all types of wood by giving them a beautiful warm color.
Very matte finish and silky touch.
Benefits of Blanchon Easy Oil No Wipe Hard Oil:
Application without wiping
Very filling
Very matte finish, silky touch
Ready to use
Does not leave a trace or recovery mark
Technical characteristics of the hard oil without wiping Blanchon Easy Oil:
TYPE OF RESIN: Urethane Oils
DENSITY: 0.87 (at 20°C, according to NF T 30020)
VISCOSITY: 250 centipoise (BROOKFIELD Rod 2, Speed 100 rpm at 20°C)
REGULATORY INFORMATION: Hazardous. Respect the precautions for use. Refer to the corresponding Safety Data Sheet (SDS) (available on www.blanchon.com or on www.quickfds.com)
SANDABILITY - COVERABILITY: 8 to 10 hours depending on temperature and humidity
RESISTANCE TO HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS: Vegetable oil, 40° alcohol, water, coffee, tea, ink: RAS after 3 hours of exposure (after 10 days of drying, according to NF T 30053).