Reference: HJGUIDE 600
Safety guide with a length of 700 mm in aluminum adapted to the small spindle moulders model
It allows the machining of bed, stopped molding and standard profiling.
You eliminate all risks of tipping in and out.
You reduce the risk of rejection.
You eliminate mold irregularities.
Great safety of use and improvement of the quality of the machining.
Replaces the original cheeks of your router while maintaining the same machining and toolpath capabilities
Improved suction efficiency thanks to the sealing of the light adapted to each tool
The guide is only composed of 2 cheeks shown in photo on the router case not included.
View the principle of the safety guide with bars with this video made with the guide in 1000 mm :
Safety guide with a length of 700 mm in aluminum adapted to the small spindle moulders model