- -€60.00

Including €2.80 for ecotax (not impacted by the discount)
Reference: BCWM150
The CWM 150 combination is a very practical machine which offers many possibilities of use in a minimum of space, for a very low price. This very compact model is easy to transport and can be used anywhere.
The belt changes necessary to move from one operation to another are carried out by simple actions on switches.
Warning: small machine for small jobs. Do not use with oak or other type of hardwood, the machine is too fragile! Be sure to respect the rules and the capacity of the machine, the selector must be turned carefully, always passing through point 0.
This machine is not suitable for everyday or professional use which would void the warranty!
The one-piece table:
An essential element of all good woodworking machines in order to guarantee the required machining precision, extreme care has been devoted to the manufacture of the machining tables. The strong point of this machine and very indicative of its high quality, they are designed in a single piece of machined cast aluminum. This then offers all the guarantees of impeccable flatness and perfect stability. We are therefore far from tables molded or even assembled from mechanically welded sheets!
The sliding cart:
For perfect rigidity, it is mounted directly on the one-piece table, without intermediate parts. Its movements are guided on four ball bearings; these being adjustable in height and spacing to, respectively, adjust its flushness with the table and its correct movement of movement. Finally, it can be locked in position so as not to hinder the cutting of large panels and it can be easily removed to comfortably carry out certain machining specific to the router.
Circular saw :
Equipped with a 200 mm diameter blade, it offers a height cutting capacity of 70 mm (rapid raising and lowering of the blade using a lever arm). The sliding carriage allows straight or angular cutting as well as easy formatting (adjustable angular guide on the carriage). Its table surface combines that of the router saw and the planer: the parallel guide moves over its entire width for a total cutting capacity in guided width of 300 mm. Strong point of the parallel guide (which is also used for planing): it is guided and lockable at both ends, thus ensuring impeccable rigidity.
The jointer-planer group offers excellent precision. The jointer, thanks to its machined tables, allows the impeccable straightening of wood up to 160 mm wide. The height of the entry table (which determines the pass grip thickness) is adjusted using a quick lever. The arbor is equipped with 2 HSS irons, easily resharpenable by hand on a flat stone. The planer table, made of cast aluminum, is mounted on a sturdy central barrel with raising-lowering screw. Planing capacity: width 150 mm and height 100 mm. Whether in planing or planing mode, a removable chip deflector (with integrated suction connection) adapts to both functions.
Spinning top = router:
Exactly like a "real" one, it is equipped with a sliding shaft in a sheath located at the bottom of a well. A guarantee of precision and reliability, this shaft, as on large routers, is held and guided in a robust one-piece cast aluminum support. Height adjustments (shaft up-down) are made quickly using a rack system operated by a steering wheel. The router can be used with all router bits with 6, 8 and 12 mm shanks (adaptors supplied). The routing guide is fitted with closable cheeks so that it can always be adjusted as close as possible to the cutter used.
Mortiser - Drill:
Like the "large" ones, it works from a bit installed in a fixed position (mounted in the axis of the planer shaft) and a carriage adjustable in height (by micrometric adjustment) then movable along two axes. Please note: the length of the wicks must not exceed 100 mm; otherwise, you just need to trim the tail length a little. Used with drills, it becomes a precision horizontal drill. Diameter of cutter shanks, bits or drill bits: 6, 8, 10 mm (adaptors provided).
For maximum precision, all the settings of these six functions can be locked in position: up-down of the saw blade, the router spindle, the planer table, the jointer input table, the mortising table).
Identical model of the Fox brand F60-150, Scheppach Combi 6 and Woodstar C06!
Jointer :
Planer :
Circular saw :
Saw trolley :
Router :
Important: use with a chip vacuum cleaner!