Reference: BH01 320 03
18% steel jointer iron, high quality because high chromium content for Holzprofi ADM320 planer jointer!
Why high quality ? Because our HSS has a real chromium content of 18% !
In fact, a lot of Swedish or Chinese steel sold also for 18% only 10 to 12% of chromium actually.
Our "top quality" is to be compared with the "OPTIMUM" quality of Leman (black case).
To ensure the correct positioning of these knives in your arbor, we recommend the use of an iron adjuster that will save you a lot of time and no nervousness!
Choose it by the diameter of your arbor by clicking here: The positioners knives
18% steel jointer iron, high quality because high chromium content for Holzprofi ADM320 planer jointer!